Code of Conduct
We like to create a welcoming, fun and non-intimidating environment here at INSIDESWEAT. In order for us to be able to do so, we ask all of our customers to follow the below code of conduct. Not only will this help for us to remain a positive and happy place to come, but it also means our customers and staff will stay safe!
- All customers must have an initial 1-2-1 evaluation session.
- No spectators are allowed in the studio environment.
- We are not liable for any of your personal belongings.
- Safe, appropriate and clean sportswear, including footwear must be worn at all times.
- No food is to be consumed in the studio.
- The use of alcohol or illegal drugs is strictly forbidden.
- No smoking or use of E-cigarettes is permitted in or on the site.
- INSIDESWEAT operates a zero-tolerance policy for foul and abusive language towards staff or customers.
- Please respect the equipment and return to its place (everything has a place and by doing so it makes it a nice experience for you and others!).
- Studio equipment is to be used for intended purposes only.
- Please report any equipment faults to the staff on duty.
- Please deposit litter in the bins provided.
Failure to abide by this Code of Conduct may result in immediate expulsion from the studio for the remainder of your membership without refund. Remember: for your own safety and that of others, if you see something, say something.